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 live in Denver without a car and  five best areas to look in number without a car

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asterisk living in Denver without a car is definitely possible especially if you reside in the city center where public transportation options are available Denver has a well-developed public transit system including buses and light rail making it feasible for residents to commute without a car additionally the city is bike friendly and services like Lyft and Uber are readily accessible.

The five best areas to look in number without a car

Number one, obviously, downtown Denver. Super walkable area. Number 25 points right next to River North Ryan on this area here. Tons of bars and restaurants. If you work in that scene, create area. #3 Campbell Hill, Super Walkable area. Lock a local bars, restaurants, coffee shops. There a lot of local businesses here at Capitol Hill. 

And you're a next part number four at Sherry Creek. Very high-end area. It's called the. The hills of Denver for a reason, but has a really cute walk with downtown area. Really good for walking to work and had a big mall as well. #5 Clap Park just south of downtown. It could take the white rail up to Denver pretty easily. And once again, all of the local coffee shops and businesses and restaurants, the breweries are right on Pearl Street. So if you live near there really easy to walk either the Pearl Street or Broadway, which has lots of businesses as well.

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