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In this heartfelt blog post, the President of the United States expresses unwavering support for Israel in the face of a heinous terrorist attack. Discover how the United States is standing with Israel during these challenging times

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Good afternoon
There are moments in life when pure unadulterated evil is unleashed upon the world.
 This past weekend the people of Israel lived through one such moment.
The hands of the terrorist organization Hamas whose stated purpose is to kill Jews committed an act of sheer evil.

Over 1000 civilians were slaughtered in Israel including at least 414 American citizens.
Parents were butchered while trying to protect their children and there were stomach-turning reports of babies being killed and entire families being slain.

The Horror Unleashed:
Young people were massacred while attending a musical festival to celebrate peace. Women were raped, assaulted, and paraded as trophies. Families hid in fear for hours, desperately trying to keep their children quiet.

Thousands were wounded carrying with them the physical and emotional wounds from the brutal attack.

 These traumas will never truly go away and there are still many families desperately waiting to hear the fate of their loved ones.

Supporting Israel:

In this moment, we must be crystal clear. We stand with Israel. There is no justification for terrorism, and Hamas does not stand for the Palestinian people's right to dignity and self-determination.

 Their purpose's  the annihilation of the state of Israel and the murder of Jewish people.
They use Palestinian civilians as human shields.
 Hamas offers nothing but terror and bloodshed.

The United States Commitment:

I recently spoke with Prime Minister Netanyahu and assured him that the United States stands by Israel is  side.
 We will provide swift decisive and overwhelming support in response to these vicious attacks.
Democracies like Israel and the United States are stronger and more secure when we act according to the rule of law.

Human Tragedy and Atrocity:
The loss of innocent life's heartbreaking and we will continue to stand united supporting the people of Israel who're suffering unspeakable losses.
Our hearts may be broken but our resolve is clear.

We condemn terrorism and there's no place for hate in America.

Just over 50 years ago i visited Israel as young Senator.

 I was told by Golda Meir that Israel is secret weapon was that they had no place else to go.
 For 75 years Israel has stood as the guarantor of security for Jewish people around the world.
The United States has Israel is back  and we will ensure that the Jewish and Democratic state of Israel can defend itself.

The atrocities committed are sickening but we stand with Israel.
There is no place for hate and we condemn terrorism.

Let's make no mistake we are with Israel in this trying time.

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