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Delve into the fascinating journey of a non-programmer turned modder, creating a popular game mode within ArmA.

 Discover the humble beginnings, innovative ideas, and unconventional approach that led to the creation of a captivating and rewarding DayZ experience. Explore the unique perspective, challenges, and the freedom to break traditional gamedesign rules. 

Witness the impact of DayZ's narrative-driven gameplay, its popularity in streaming, and the creator's unwavering passion in crafting a game aligned with their own gaming preferences

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First and foremost how did you get into modding for ArmA? Can you share your humble beginnings?

Well it all started when I was in Brazil going through a divorce and saving up to return home. During that time I rediscovered gaming and came across the DayZ mod. After reading about it on Reddit and feeling intrigued by the idea of a rule-free survival game I fell in love with it. I formed a squad to play with and that's when I began learning about modding since DayZ itself was a mod. I examined how it was created and although I wasn't a programmer at the time I had some knowledge of coding from my experience as a web designer and photographer. I knew JavaScript and jQuery from working on websites but I wasn't skilled enough to fix complex game issues.

However the ARMA scripting language (SQF) is similar to JavaScript so I started looking at what others had done borrowing and learning from their code. The ARMA community was incredibly helpful in supporting modders and with their assistance I created my own DayZ mod server.

I tinkered with loot tables introduced new weapons and eventually developed a PvP_focused game mode that some people likened to the Call of Duty version of DayZ.

After immersing myself in modding for approximately six months I reached a turning point.

 I felt compelled to push my efforts further and explore new possibilities.

I was inspired by what Brian Hicks and Jordan Ter had done with the Survivor Games a streamer-centric competition. I wanted to participate as a streamer but couldn't so I thought about creating my own version. I believed there were improvements to be made and that's how the Battle Royale game mode was born within DayZ. Essentially I modded a mod.

It is quite impressive and inspiring that you managed to create such a popular game mode without a strong background in programming .

While I haven't played numerous games I don not classify myself as a hardcore gamer like those I encounter at conventions.

 However I believe this actually played a significant role in my attraction to DayZ and its mechanics.

 Without being entrenched in established gaming norms I was able to approach the game with fresh perspectives and innovative ideas.

This unique viewpoint allowed me to create something distinct within the gaming landscape.

I didn't have preconceived notions of game design rules to follow. When I initially joined Bluehole I had disagreements with JC the lead game designer because I approached game development differently.

 I held a willingness to challenge and break conventional rules if it meant enhancing the enjoyment of the game for players.

 The beauty of DayZ coupled with my modding experience was that I wasn't constrained by the traditional teachings of game design.

 This freedom allowed me to think outside the box experiment with new ideas and ultimately create a gaming experience that pushed boundaries and resonated with players in a unique way.

If players found the game too challenging I would make it even harder.

The concept of a challenging survival game that constantly tests players' limits resonated deeply with me.

While DayZ may not be an easy game it is precisely this difficulty that makes it so rewarding.

 Despite not considering myself a gamer I have developed a genuine appreciation for the gameplay and find it incredibly addictive.


Starting with nothing and building your way up is a unique experience.

It seems that your style of developing the game and your passion for the game's story and the difficult nature resonate with the players. In fact, the side of the story in the game is what distinguishes it and makes it incredibly popular.

 Every new game has a narrative and DayZ compresses that long evolving story into a 30-minute match. You never know what you'll find and how your story will unfold. It's a simple game to learn and that accessibility contributes to its popularity especially in terms of streaming.

DayZ is undeniably the most streamed game, offering immense enjoyment for viewers. In contrast to titles like Dota 2 or League of Legends, which require significant time investment to grasp, DayZ's straightforwardness makes it a captivating viewing experience.

Each match brings an element of surprise delivering an unparalleled and distinct encounter every time.

When I initially ventured into developing the game mode my primary motivation was to bring to life a game I personally yearned to play.

It wasn't predominantly viewed as a business opportunity rather it was fueled by my unwavering passion to create something that aligned with my own gaming preferences.

  It was definitely driven by my desire to create a game that I wanted to play.

I had been fascinated by the Survivor Games which were primarily designed for streamers but I couldn't participate. So I decided to develop a game mode that I could enjoy with my friends. If others liked it that was a bonus. It wasn't primarily about seizing a business opportunity; it was about fulfilling a personal vision and passion

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