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1 Answer

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use our shop promotions to promote your
shop in your social media channels
your fans and followers did you know
that you could adjust the promo periods
I'm going to show you how to do that you're in your shop settings you hit Locating promotion settings prices and promos and promo campaigns on the right hand side you can see the upcoming promos of this month and the following so if you decide that 20 of everything

Adjusting time periods

sounds amazing but the time period doesn't really work for you you can just click on it and for example take October 11th because that works way better for you hit it and then you can see that October 11th is the first day this period is activated and if you for example decide Deactivating promotions for whatever reason that you don't want to offer free standard shipping then you can just hit the toggle here and deactivate it now don't forget to hit apply changes and your promos are set you need cool material to promote your shop and your socials well then you could either use the social media sharing tool in the partner area or you could just use the templates that I send around via newsletter if you haven't subscribed to


the newsletter yet you should definitely
do so

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