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What is Mojo programming language?
Is Mojo better than Python?
Will Mojo replace Python?
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so after charge jpt right now the Talk of the Town is about Mojo programming language and in this past two to three days I've got a lot of mail from various people to make a post on Mojo programming language to just talk about like how it is different from Python programming language what are the advantages of using Mojo programming language and many more I even got a very interesting email yesterday saying that one person was saying that will Mojo programming language take our jobs or not so guys don't worry nothing is going to take your jobs unless and until you're not getting skilled right you don't have to worry about your job right so let me go ahead and let me share my screen and in this post I'm going to talk about the entire Mojo programming language step by step will understand all the companies will try to understand why this can be better than Python programming language but at the end of the day I'll be making some kind of conclusions that will be my suggestion based on my thinking you know it may change with respect to your erview okay I'|l be talking about this and how much time we may also think that if this programming language is coming how much time it may probably take to replace python so we'll be talking about all those things so please make sure that you read this post till the end now yes about Mojo a fire Emoji this looks like a Mozilla fired Fox Emoji l guess a new programming language for all developers uh if I talk about Mojo it combines the usability of python with the performance of C unlocked unparalleled performability of Al read this post till the end we will be reading together because if you really want to understand something it is better to learn everything about this right how it is Advantage what are what all things are basically then based on this article I was able to find out each and everything okay so yes be with me and let's let's read this I'll be reading in front of you and we'll discuss about everything that is mentioned over here okay that is the reason why I am saying you that if you really want to understand whether this can create a bigger impact in the future please read along with me okay modular and Al startup with the above average technical cred has unveiled a programming language called as Mojo that aspires to combine the usability of python with the speed of C so it is basically going to combine the usability of python not it is not going to take Python and probably take C separately and combine them no usability right and with the speed of c and it is basically going to create this new programming language so as you all know Python Programming is a language basically people say that it is slow and obviously it is a little bit slow when compared to programming languages like C C plus plus right so if we are able to get all the features with respect to the python like model or coding with respect to all the things it has all the functionalities it has and with the speed of speed obviously this will lead us to train our Al models very fast it will be able to help us to even develop our application very much quickly okay so there are numerous ongoing projects to make python faster it is not like this is the first time it is coming right there are many things they are like Jacks uh if you don't know about Jax it is a high performance array Computing you know it provides you API uh which will be able to do all the numerical computation very much quickly so I will also be providing this link you just need to probably install it in this way and you this you can do it in CPU GPU and on CPU also it will try to use the uh course like what are the default cores that you specifically have it will try to use that to do any numerical competition and if I talk about machine learning deep learning internally those are all about numerical competition right now Jax was already there along with this uh you can also see that there is also a recent compiler called as codon if I open codon over here so codon is what codon is a high performance python compiler that compels python code de to Native machine code so directly it is compiling the python code to the native machine code and once it does that obviously the execution will uh increase right so here it is is basically saying 10 to 100 times faster right on just a single thread right so this is the thing about that right and one more programming language I've always made a playlist on that light Julia right so Julia programming language they also say that this is very very fast and obviously it is fast right and this is also an open source programming language this will be super helpful for visualization data science and this is in the advanced stage right people are able to do many many things with this and the community with respect to Julia programming language is also increasing right and many people were initially saying that can Julia replace Python and still python is the favorite right now right Julia has some good amount of packages open source libraries and all but python it has a huge huge libraries right so still if Julia also wants to overcome Python programming language it is going to take time because the fan following of python is too much right with respect to companies research and many more things right so yes people are also using Julia I have also explored Julia but still it is going to take time to overcome them right and it's going to take time a lot of time basically because uh when I see the number of packages and compared to Julie and Python Programming there is a huge difference okay when I say packages I'm talking about libraries okay now these are already there right but what is so special about Mojo okay so Mojo managed to distinguish itself from python enhancement efforts through the extremity of its alleged acceleration that it is trying to make when compared to python this will be 35 000 times faster than Python and this is the main key term right and because of this what I also feel that yes if Mojo comes in the future this can really really replace python but again there are some more things that I really want to talk about you know because directly you launch a programming language and cannot replace python over there python has lot of different functionalities still right we'll talk about that okay but it is saying that okay fine 35 000 faster than Python and here also in the documentation you can see like uh with with respect to combined with other programming language so yeah python 3.10 scalar C plus plus it is five five thousand times faster than Python and when I talk about Mojo it is 35 000 faster times right so this is the basic difference and this is what is the most interesting thing right now when running numerical algorithms such as thanks to the hardware acceleration and pedigree of CEO Chris lattner so Chris lattner uh uh is the CEO of this modular and uh he had basically announced about this specific thing now Latina uh developed something called as llvm compiler tool chain okay so this is based on the mlir compiler infrastructure what is mlir mlir if you don't know multi-level intermediate representation and because of this only that 35 000 times faster when compared to the python is basically happening because of this compiler okay mlir okay and if you don't know guys the latner is also he has also developed this Swift programming language Swift programming languages famous because it is very very fast right so this is the overall idea behind this and if you don't know how this mlir compiler works you can definitely read an article over here how things are basically there all the links I will be trying to give in the description of this particular post okay now there are two major things that are coming up okay so this year old startup this week announced two related projects one is Mojo a programming language built on top of python that performance the performance of C so you have something that is like a super set of python and it will try to build all the features that are available in the python along with that we'll try to build some more additional features uh when compared to the python along with that what it is going to do it is going to take the speed of performance of C right so obviously if you have that kind of programming language it is obviously very very good right and the second thing that it is developing is something called as modular inference engine now modular inference engine is to run Al models rest expensively in production and this is specifically required what I believe right because right now if I really need to train a model it is taking time right just with the help of python by using libraries like tensorflow or pytosh but with this modular influence an engine will be able to run Al models Less expensively in the production okay so in short it is saying that Mojo combines the parts of python that researcher love with the system programming features that the use of CC plus plus and Coda okay now this is the overall thing you can probably read about this the main thing is about the mlir okay that is what is basically mentioned over here with respect to this so this will be super super amazing now whenever I talk about this right we will uh just go through this documentation and there are a lot of documentation for this you know if you really want to uh get this access you can just apply it right now it has just announced it if you say play with Mojo over here you just go ahead and fill your information I've just filled it they will provide you probably if if you get the access they will provide you some Jupiter notebooks to play with right but at the end of the day this looks absolutely good uh with respect to uh new programming language which has that python qualities and all and they have some examples right of this kind of code see in Python in Mojo how different it will look like and one more thing is that over here since it is a superset of python right it will also be able to access the different different libraries but now my main takeaway what is the main takeaway in this specific thing is that can it replace python see guys many people initially when Julia came they were saying that it will replace python it will do multiple things it can replace multiple it can do uh you know that is the basically the future  but

understand one thing guys right uh in this Mojo right there is a very important statement that has also been written the features that are going to get added in this module is going to take time right and how much time l don't know till then let's say after two to three years it is going to take time to add up all the features in this Mojo So after two to three years don't you think someone new invention something new may come up right if everything goes fine yes it has a chances that we as a data scientist or Al researcher we may use this for doing many things right there are also other programming languages like Matlab there are they're Julia where people are also specifically using but when I talk about using a programming language
I'm talking about worldwide like maximum percentage of the people even in companies Industries they should be using it right what I feel is that yes it this can be an impact it can create an amazing amazing uh advantages for the Al developer but yes I feel it will take time okay it will take time so don't worry whatever process because I was just getting 100 of emails where people are saying Chris should we stop learning Python programming language similarly in the case of Julia this had said me once uh similar in the similar way right so don't worry just focus on your learning pattern focus on your study pattern when things are going to happen it will come at that time you just need to update because this is almost a super set of python you will be able to use the python libraries itself internally and all right so yes this was more about the Mojo programming language

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