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What is Mojo programming language?,

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Mojo language tutorial,

Mojo tutorial,

Chris Lattner,

Python and Mojo,

mojo vs mojo,

mojo programming language tutorial,

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mojo programming language release


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ladies and gentlemen boys and girls this is a remarkable day in the history of programming now we are moving on to the face where every day is exciting there is some news that is dropping out and I want to cover this one I'm super excited for this one in this post I'll walk you through that what possibly can be one of the Python Killer python is an amazing programming language but now it's going to face heads up heat a heads up competition from a language which is newly here is modern but it's being designed from the people who are very very reliable in the industry I'm not saying that python will go away tomorrow but there are high chances that eventually it might Fade Out now first of all listen to this very carefully why does python is gaining so much of popularity not because it's easy not because it's fast there are other languages which are comparatively equally easy there are other languages which are faster than this the reason why python is gaining its popularity is not because it's easier to develop application using Django or fast API it's the hole and soul the era of machine learning there is a hype going on right around which is on machine learning and we all know that the reason why these machine learning and the python are all sinking in and where the python is getting it's all superpower it's C plus plus because all the libraries which you see in the machine learning are actually written in C plus plus because of the performance issue but over the top of these libraries an API layer is given to the python and there's a lot of bridging that happens and we all know python is not the fastest of the language but it's a choice to just do all of the things because we don't have any other choice to choose a programming language a language which is totally designed for machine learning work for Al work we don't have an option so that's why we all went into the rabbit hole of learning the python and it's easy for a lot of beginners to get attention that hey you can learn this easy language and can become a machine learning engineer that's a good thing as well it attracted a lot of people but now it's time that we are designing and we are moving into a language which is specifically designed for this purpose is coming out this is amazing and this language is backed by developers or being created by the developers who created Swift one of my favorite programming language so Elegance is there in the Swift I'm pretty sure the same Elegance is going to be coming up here the reason why I'm so much excited about this language is because this language gives you the performance which is arguably better than C plus plus and a memory management like rust and the type safety like what all you need for that so let me introduce you to this language which is designed by modular now here is the modular website I'm on to this one so modular is a new company which is claiming to design a language uh programming language for all Al developers yes out of the box it supports so much so together we are going to be walking through this is more of an introductory post where I'll just walk you through with a couple of pages documentation and how you can sign up the beta I have already signed up for that so this will be super interesting for you this is exciting time I'm super super excited for this one so notice here what it says Mojo combines the usability of python with the performance of C unlocking unparallel programming programmability of Al hardware and extensibility of Al model this is really really cool I don't know what extension notice here it says softmax dot fire icon are we using the fire icon now I'm pretty sure not but uh this is all out of the box and what they claim is that it just out of the box supports Python and all the things that you have already written in Python you probably don't need to convert that rest is going to come up eventually as I get an access to this one right python or scale all the way down to the metal uh program uh the multitude of low level so it's claiming that we'll give you access if you want to just brush through over the top layer of abstraction you can do that but in some cases if you need fine grain control of the memory management and memory allocation and all that you can do that as well this is the most interesting power of this one unlock the python performance and all of that so this is interesting here python is obviously single thread execution and this out of the box supports parallel processing across multiple cores these days all all computers are having multi-course but the languages that were designed were like in the 90s and at that point of time we were only having a single core now nobody has a single code even the smallest computer on which you are reading is a multi-core so now programming languages should actually need to take advantage of these   multi-core how long we are going to be just blindly following the C and C plus plus and python they are the best language no the things are evolving fast we need multi-processing now either language needs to adopt or we are going to be moving into different languages now that's how it works in the iOS world we move to Swift from Objective C I'm pretty sure very soon people are going to be migrating from python to such languages the adoption rate these days is crazy insane so notice here it says that hey time a speed up versus python 35 times well what kind of magic Mojo magic is the only thing that I can recommend is uh change this logo of Mojo instead use that old Mojo Jojo logo if you remember that from old Powerpuff Girls days I think that's what I have anyways so coming up on to this this is super exciting you can upgrade your models or modular Stacks this actually brings my interest back into machine learning so yeah due to my college actually I'm studying this a little bit but now I'm more excited and you can get access I've already signed up for the beta access here in the Mojo you can also sign up just say get started I filled up for Mojo just right now at the time of recording of the post uh so make sure you also do that in case you want to access and here are the docs that are available so why Mojo the programming manual and a whole lot of low level hello world so you can see just from the hello world it's not a complex one but again nothing actually proves you with the hello world we have Latin War declaration so there's a basic I was reading this there's a strong type checking as well love that and there is overload functions and methods function definition there's a lot I studied I spent my entire hour in just reading the docs and probably very soon if they allow me the access I would love to record a few tutorials on that at least just figuring it out playing it around I would love to see that there's so much so the modular docs are here and then there's get ready I've already signed up and here is something interesting so try Mojo and why Mojo try Mojo is where they say that hey there is going to be a Mojo playground where you can play around the things and you can just look around what's happening you can chat and there's a GitHub and the thing is that on the get have right now there is nothing which is a good approach I think because if you have this kind of a approach where you just dump all the things you just burden down with a lot of pull requests there are issues here I was just looking through in them as well that hey official site is blank yes of course they are not going to be making it open source on day one which is a good approach in case you are working with the open source community and projects otherwise people just copy and paste the product our one of the debut I also got copied like ripped off copy somebody else stay there this is my open source project surprisingly they send it to me on the Discord as well very funny anyway so low level IR on Mojo there's this lot of interesting stuff one thing I would recommend you to read is why Mojo there's a lot of interesting material and article on this one if you wish I can make a summarized version post of it but notice here mojo as a member of python family so Mojo is to provide a super set of python so they are kind of a using the typescript approach just like how the typescript is getting popular it it's almost like JavaScript but with added super power to it so that's exactly and notice it says how compatible Mojo with python really Mojo already supports many core features in Python including asyncavate error handlakes and a whole lot more will be supported Mojo doesn't even Support classes yet very soon they will be probably and there is a intentional differences otherwise how it will be super fast there's a detailed motivation this is the pera which I absolutely loved reading it that how they are looking for what is the motivation behind it that's that's great two world problem so this is the entire thing which I would

highly highly recommend you to try this out read this great great interesting read on a final note I would say that yes there is a great enhancement.

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